Parishioner's Survey - KCC Speed Limit Proposals
The Parish Council has reached provisional agreement with Kent County Council to restrict the speed of road traffic in the village. These restrictions will impose a 30mph limit and will apply to:
- Staplestreet from the junction with Bull Lane to the entrance to Mount Ephraim
- Church Hill from St Michael’s Church to the beginning of the playing fields
– Kays Lane from the junction with Church Hill to the end of the housing on its north side
- Crockham Lane from its junction with Church Hill to the end of the housing on its north side.
There are plans on the Parish Council’s website which show the roads affected.
These restrictions will take effect once a formal Road Traffic Order has been made.
It is the intention of the Parish Council to seek extensions of these restrictions in the future. Residents and businesses are invited to comment on both the presently proposed restrictions and what future extensions may appropriate. Comments should be sent to Cllr Chris Page at or to the Clerk C/O Southland, Church Hill, Hernhill, Faversham, ME13 9JX.